Serving on the front lines of global finance to promote growth and trade, and forging ties to advance health, humanitarian and cultural understanding.
Latest Features
Opening of the William Rhodes & Louise Tilzer-Rhodes Center for Glioblastoma
An event has just been held to officially inaugurate the William & Louise-Tilzer Rhodes Center for Glioblastoma at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Louise Tilzer Rhodes died of 'Glioblastoma' and the Center has been established in her honor to deepen research and...
Latin America finances: This time it’s different Bill Rhodes: The Brady bond banker
“It’s the same movie but with different subtitles,” says Bill Rhodes, settling into his chair in his large Fifth Avenue office as he discusses debt crises with Euromoney. “They all have their own characteristics, but there were many lessons that should have been...
A Humanitarian Awakening: The Venezuela Refugee Crisis
Faced with the largest population outflow in Latin America of recent years, 95 organizations covering 16 countries have been working together to establish a comprehensive response to the urgent needs of millions of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. Based on...
Annual offsite of Banco Santander’s US Corporate and Investment Banking Leadership meeting
Dear Friends, Attached please find a speech I gave on December 13th to the annual offsite of Banco Santander’s US Corporate and Investment Banking Leadership meeting at the Columbia University Business School. Regards, Bill
Banking Conduct and Culture: A Permanent Mindset Change
In November 2018, the Group of Thirty published its latest report on banking conduct and culture. Following on their three previous reports, Toward Effective Governance of Financial Institutions (2012). A New Paradigm: Financial Institution Boards and...

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO
Latest Features
Opening of the William Rhodes & Louise Tilzer-Rhodes Center for Glioblastoma
An event has just been held to officially inaugurate the William & Louise-Tilzer Rhodes Center for Glioblastoma at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Louise Tilzer Rhodes died of 'Glioblastoma' and the Center has been established in her honor to deepen research and...
Latin America finances: This time it’s different Bill Rhodes: The Brady bond banker
“It’s the same movie but with different subtitles,” says Bill Rhodes, settling into his chair in his large Fifth Avenue office as he discusses debt crises with Euromoney. “They all have their own characteristics, but there were many lessons that should have been...
A Humanitarian Awakening: The Venezuela Refugee Crisis
Faced with the largest population outflow in Latin America of recent years, 95 organizations covering 16 countries have been working together to establish a comprehensive response to the urgent needs of millions of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. Based on...
Annual offsite of Banco Santander’s US Corporate and Investment Banking Leadership meeting
Dear Friends, Attached please find a speech I gave on December 13th to the annual offsite of Banco Santander’s US Corporate and Investment Banking Leadership meeting at the Columbia University Business School. Regards, Bill
Banking Conduct and Culture: A Permanent Mindset Change
In November 2018, the Group of Thirty published its latest report on banking conduct and culture. Following on their three previous reports, Toward Effective Governance of Financial Institutions (2012). A New Paradigm: Financial Institution Boards and...

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO