Serving on the front lines of global finance to promote growth and trade, and forging ties to advance health, humanitarian and cultural understanding.
Latest Features
Foreign Policy Association Fellows Reception
On October 10, 2019, I had the privilege to host fellows from the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) for a private viewing of my late 19th century-early 20th century art collection. We had the honor to have present with us Dianne Modestini, who is an internationally...
Bloomberg Radio – Trump Achieved Little of Substance In Asia: Bill Rhodes
"Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, President and CEO of William Rhodes Global Advisors, on G20, North Korea, and the global economy. Hosted by Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney. Click here to listen to full audio Running time 12:20
Corruption & the IMF/World Bank
William R. Rhodes Dear Friends: Please find attached an essay by Frank Vogl and I published on the 75th anniversary of the conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, that established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Our essay provides the...
China-US Business Alliance Luncheon
William R. Rhodes President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC - Keynote Speaker at the China-U.S. Business Alliance Luncheon in New York - "Is China overdue for a Minsky Moment"? Dear Friends: I just spoke at the US-China Business Council and I attach...
Bloomberg Radio “Behind the Scenes” series with Bill Rhodes
P+L co-hosts Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney sit down with "Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, Chairman of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC, to talk about his career path, his time in Venezuela, and the advice he gives to students. ...
Ecuador welcomes international aid for Venezuelan refugees.
According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in recent years 3.2 million Venezuelans have left their country and of these some 2.6 million remain in Latin America.It is estimated that around one million Venezuelans have passed...
Financial Times, Argentina’s century bond caught in dash for exit
“Macri has all the right motivations and wanted to bring the country back to the markets, and he did," said Bill Rhodes.... Click below to read full article Financial Times, Argentina’s century bond caught in dash for exit April 26, 2019
Argentina’s 100-Yr Debt Exposes Embedded Excess: Rhodes (Radio)
April 25, 2019 — 1:18 PM EDT "Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, President and CEO of William Rhodes Global Advisors, discusses the China trade deal, Argentina’s lack of reforms, and the crisis in Venezuela. Hosted by Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney. Listen to full...
William Rhodes: Connecting the Dots, from Venezuela to China and Beyond
William Rhodes: Connecting the Dots, from Venezuela to China and Beyond Click below to listen to audio March 19, 2019
Bill Rhodes on Bloomberg TV
Bloomberg TV on April 11, 2019 Bill Rhodes covering the World Economy and the economic problems in Europe, China, the situation with Brexit and the challenges the IMF/WB have on the subject of corruption and the humanitarian and refugee crisis emanating from...

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO
Latest Features
Foreign Policy Association Fellows Reception
On October 10, 2019, I had the privilege to host fellows from the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) for a private viewing of my late 19th century-early 20th century art collection. We had the honor to have present with us Dianne Modestini, who is an internationally...
Bloomberg Radio – Trump Achieved Little of Substance In Asia: Bill Rhodes
"Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, President and CEO of William Rhodes Global Advisors, on G20, North Korea, and the global economy. Hosted by Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney. Click here to listen to full audio Running time 12:20
Corruption & the IMF/World Bank
William R. Rhodes Dear Friends: Please find attached an essay by Frank Vogl and I published on the 75th anniversary of the conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, that established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Our essay provides the...
China-US Business Alliance Luncheon
William R. Rhodes President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC - Keynote Speaker at the China-U.S. Business Alliance Luncheon in New York - "Is China overdue for a Minsky Moment"? Dear Friends: I just spoke at the US-China Business Council and I attach...
Bloomberg Radio “Behind the Scenes” series with Bill Rhodes
P+L co-hosts Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney sit down with "Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, Chairman of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC, to talk about his career path, his time in Venezuela, and the advice he gives to students. ...
Ecuador welcomes international aid for Venezuelan refugees.
According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in recent years 3.2 million Venezuelans have left their country and of these some 2.6 million remain in Latin America.It is estimated that around one million Venezuelans have passed...
Financial Times, Argentina’s century bond caught in dash for exit
“Macri has all the right motivations and wanted to bring the country back to the markets, and he did," said Bill Rhodes.... Click below to read full article Financial Times, Argentina’s century bond caught in dash for exit April 26, 2019
Argentina’s 100-Yr Debt Exposes Embedded Excess: Rhodes (Radio)
April 25, 2019 — 1:18 PM EDT "Banker to the World" Bill Rhodes, President and CEO of William Rhodes Global Advisors, discusses the China trade deal, Argentina’s lack of reforms, and the crisis in Venezuela. Hosted by Lisa Abramowicz and Paul Sweeney. Listen to full...
William Rhodes: Connecting the Dots, from Venezuela to China and Beyond
William Rhodes: Connecting the Dots, from Venezuela to China and Beyond Click below to listen to audio March 19, 2019
Bill Rhodes on Bloomberg TV
Bloomberg TV on April 11, 2019 Bill Rhodes covering the World Economy and the economic problems in Europe, China, the situation with Brexit and the challenges the IMF/WB have on the subject of corruption and the humanitarian and refugee crisis emanating from...

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO