Serving on the front lines of global finance to promote growth and trade, and forging ties to advance health, humanitarian and cultural understanding.
Latest Features
‘Banker to the World’ Rhodes on Biden’s Big Challenges (Radio)
Dear Friends, Following is a link to a Bloomberg Radio broadcast I did yesterday on Biden’s big challenges economically, politically and foreign policy wise, as he enters office. I also comment on the tragic political events that occurred last week in Washington...
Credit reset
Dear Friends, Attached is a Reuters op-ed I wrote with Stuart Macintosh about the need for China to be more transparent and flexible on restructuring the loans it has made to emerging market countries. Unlike in past sovereign debt crisis, China is now a major...
Global Policymakers: The Macro View
Dear Friends, I was recently asked by the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions series to give my views on the world economy. I discussed the G20 meetings held in November, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economies of the emerging markets, my...
China Doing Less Than It Should On Debt Restructuring (Radio)
Dear Friends, Please find below a link to a Bloomberg Radio interview I did covering the recent meeting of the G20, my thoughts on the Chinese economy, and it’s role in the emerging market debt crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, a few thoughts on the...
Mind the gap
Dear Friends: Please find attached an op-ed written by Cristina Valencia, an epidemiologist who consults with the World Health Organization and myself concerning Latin America’s effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. We point out that without additional funding the...
Wirecard is a wake-up call on regulatory weakness
Dear Friends, Please find attached my op-ed which appeared in the Banker Magazine covering the fraud at Wirecard and the lessons to be drawn from the regulatory weakness demonstrated in this case. At the end of the day, its all about a firm’s culture and conduct and...
Reuters – Guest view: Another lost decade for Latin America?
Dear Friends, Please find attached my Reuters op-ed covering the three biggest challenges that Latin America has faced in its modern history and what needs to be done going forward. I would appreciate any comments that you might have....
Dire LatAm Covid Crisis Should Catalyze Needed Reforms
Dear Friends, Following is a link of a Bloomberg interview I did a few days ago, covering the challenges Latin American countries have in reforming their economies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic....
Great Decisions Special Edition of the Foreign Policy Association
Dear Friends, Please find attached an essay I wrote for the Great Decisions Special Edition of the Foreign Policy Association which will reach an estimated 400,000 readers. Please let me know your comments....
Argentina Needs IMF Restructuring, More Reforms: Rhodes (Radio)
Dear Friends, Following is a link to a recent Bloomberg Radio interview I did on the economic situation in Turkey and the recent agreement on Argentine sovereign debt and the overall Argentine economy. Any comments you may have will be appreciated....

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO
Latest Features
‘Banker to the World’ Rhodes on Biden’s Big Challenges (Radio)
Dear Friends, Following is a link to a Bloomberg Radio broadcast I did yesterday on Biden’s big challenges economically, politically and foreign policy wise, as he enters office. I also comment on the tragic political events that occurred last week in Washington...
Credit reset
Dear Friends, Attached is a Reuters op-ed I wrote with Stuart Macintosh about the need for China to be more transparent and flexible on restructuring the loans it has made to emerging market countries. Unlike in past sovereign debt crisis, China is now a major...
Global Policymakers: The Macro View
Dear Friends, I was recently asked by the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions series to give my views on the world economy. I discussed the G20 meetings held in November, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economies of the emerging markets, my...
China Doing Less Than It Should On Debt Restructuring (Radio)
Dear Friends, Please find below a link to a Bloomberg Radio interview I did covering the recent meeting of the G20, my thoughts on the Chinese economy, and it’s role in the emerging market debt crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, a few thoughts on the...
Mind the gap
Dear Friends: Please find attached an op-ed written by Cristina Valencia, an epidemiologist who consults with the World Health Organization and myself concerning Latin America’s effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. We point out that without additional funding the...
Wirecard is a wake-up call on regulatory weakness
Dear Friends, Please find attached my op-ed which appeared in the Banker Magazine covering the fraud at Wirecard and the lessons to be drawn from the regulatory weakness demonstrated in this case. At the end of the day, its all about a firm’s culture and conduct and...
Reuters – Guest view: Another lost decade for Latin America?
Dear Friends, Please find attached my Reuters op-ed covering the three biggest challenges that Latin America has faced in its modern history and what needs to be done going forward. I would appreciate any comments that you might have....
Dire LatAm Covid Crisis Should Catalyze Needed Reforms
Dear Friends, Following is a link of a Bloomberg interview I did a few days ago, covering the challenges Latin American countries have in reforming their economies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic....
Great Decisions Special Edition of the Foreign Policy Association
Dear Friends, Please find attached an essay I wrote for the Great Decisions Special Edition of the Foreign Policy Association which will reach an estimated 400,000 readers. Please let me know your comments....
Argentina Needs IMF Restructuring, More Reforms: Rhodes (Radio)
Dear Friends, Following is a link to a recent Bloomberg Radio interview I did on the economic situation in Turkey and the recent agreement on Argentine sovereign debt and the overall Argentine economy. Any comments you may have will be appreciated....

William R. Rhodes
William R. “Bill” Rhodes is an American banker and philanthropist. Rhodes is President and CEO of William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, LLC which he founded in 2010. He is former chairman, CEO